
Should anyone wish to publish any of my stories, my contact email is on the blog page.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

The Blond, The Bitch, and The Wardrobe Part 14

Nats was then helped into the bedroom, and then Adele closed the door to the dungeon and the wardrobe. “You’ve been through quite a bit today, my slave. You need a nice relaxing bath in bondage.”

Adele now removed the cuffs from Nats’s arms, and then brought Nats’s arms behind her back. One length of rope was then use to bind Nats’s wrist securely, with her wrists palm to palm, and a second was used to tie Nats’s elbows tightly together. Next, Adele bound Nats’s arms to her body at her chest, with ropes going above and below her breasts. Then another piece of rope was used to tie Nats’s wrists to her body at the waist. Nats was now made to sit on the bed and her leg cuffs were taken off. Four lengths of rope were then used to tie Nats’s legs together, at the ankles, below and above the knees, and at the mid thigh.

“Stand up my sexy slave.” Adele ordered. Nats did as she was instructed. One more piece of rope to add. Adele then applied a knotted, tightly tied crotch-rope to Nats. MMMMMMMMM, that’s good.

“It’s time for you to go downstairs now, my slave.” Adele opened the door to the stairs, allowing Nats to hop out of the bedroom and sit on the stair lift. Adele then took Nats downstairs, and then took her to one of the bathrooms. This was a custom bathroom, with gold-plated electronically activated taps, and a large bath, big enough for two people to lie flat in side by side.

“First things first. Be quiet as I remove your gag, Blond.” Nats stood still and remained quiet as Adele removed her harness gag. “Now open your mouth wide.” Nats opened her mouth and “mph’d!” as a large sponge ball was inserted between her jaws. Adele then picked up a wide roll of microfoam tape, closed Nats’s mouth, tore of a long strip and then sealed Nat’s mouth. The strip was so long that it went from ear to ear, and was wide enough to cover Nats’s face, from just below her nose to her chin.

“mmmph?” Nats asked.

“I don’t want the harness gag to get soaked. These ropes will dry out easily enough, but the leather will take some time to dry. It’s time to get you in the bath now.” Adele now helped Nats into the large bath and laid Nats flat on her front. “I think that I will secure my soon to be soapy slave now.” Adele took a length of rope and placed Nats in a very strict hogtie with her hands tied wrists to ankles. Then Adele put the plug in the plughole, before removing her own clothes.

All of a sudden, the telephone on the ground floor rang. “Hang on, that must be important. I’ll get back to you soon.” Nats watched as Adele left the bathroom and went downstairs.

I’m on my own now. I wonder when Adele can finish her phone call and get back in here. OMG! Nats watched in horror as the taps suddenly started running water into the bath. I’m trapped in here! The bath will fill up and I can’t escape! I’m gonna DROWN! Nats struggled wildly against her bonds as the water now lapped softly against the lowest parts of her body. Nats tried to cry out for Adele, but she was muffled by the gag and the sound of the water. ADELE, HELP ME PLEASE!

The water was a few inches deep now and Nats panicked at the thought of ending up submerged. She pulled and twisted, and tried every trick she knew, but the ropes were immovable. “MMMMMMMM!” Nats cried again, but it was useless.

The water was still steadily rising and Nats now had to start to keep her head up, otherwise her nose now went below the waterline. Adele! For God’s sake, WHERE ARE YOU! Nats continued to struggle against the rising water, but even with the lubricating effect, the bonds held fast.

Nats screamed in fear now, as even with her head back as far as possible, the water now reached her chin. She took in deep breaths, knowing soon that she would be under the water. Please Adele, please save me! Nats now took one more breath and the water covered her nose...

“OMG!” Adele screamed, as she ran over to the bath, and then pulled up Nats by her chest ropes so that she could breath. “Blond, are you okay?” Adele asked, looking very worried. Nats nodded her head, sobbing a little. Adele now laid Nats on her back and switched off the taps.

“I was told that the taps were fixed. It was a good thing that the call ended when it did.” Adele now cuddled the helpless Nats until she had calmed down, and then placed Nats on her right side in a way that kept her nose above the water, before loosening her hogtie rope. Then Nats was put in a kneeling position, facing the front of the bath, with Adele sitting right behind her, legs either side of Nats.

Adele now picked up a gold coloured plastic jug, filled it with water, and then poured the water softly and gently over Nats’s hair. Mmmmmmm, that feels good, especially after my narrow escape from a watery grave. This was repeated until Nats’s hair was properly wet through.

Now, Adele took some bath/shampoo gel and softly worked it into Nats’s hair, taking her time to thoroughly work it in. Nats sighed with pleasure and writhed slightly from the caresses she was receiving. After about five minutes, Adele picked up the jug and started to wash the shampoo from Nats’s hair. “We don’t want that soap in your hair for too long.”

Nats noticed that Adele was now washing her body down with water. I think I’m now going to be soaped by Adele. Adele now took some more gel and smoothed it into Nats’s neck and shoulders, causing Nats to moan through her gag. Some more gel was then worked into Nats’s arms, slowly and steadily.

Nats’s back was now cleaned by Adele, followed by her sides. Adele now got up, pulled the plug and emptied the bath of its water. “You’re wet enough for the rest of you to be soaped, my sweet slave.” Sitting down behind Nats again, Adele now rubbed gel into the front of Nats’s body, avoiding her breasts and womanhood. When are you going to clean the most important areas, Adele?

Nats was now made to lie on the left side of her body, facing the side of the tub. She squirmed gently when Adele applied gel to her legs now, first working on the right thigh and lower leg. Then Nats was turned over to her right side, and her left leg was now soaped and cleaned.

Nats suddenly found herself turned onto her stomach. What’s Adele going to do to me now? Ohhh, that’s nice. She could now feel the gel being gently worked into the soles of her feet, causing her to sigh and writhe. Nats now became aware of the desire growing in her womanhood. She now felt Adele rub the gel all over her feet now, even over and in between the toes. She’s being so sensual with me, it’s lovely.

Then, Nats was pulled up and onto her knees, facing the front of the bath. She felt Adele again position herself behind Nats,  with her front pressing against Nat’s back. “Mph!” Nats exclaimed as she felt Adele’s gel covered hands now softly and gently caressing her breasts. This is wonderful Adele, you can do this to me all day. Jolts of pleasure shot through her as the mounds of her breasts were now being touched and smoothed. Then Nats writhed even more as Adele run her fingers over Nats’s nipples. Nearly my whole body is covered with gel now, and I’m so aroused! Please give me my release, Adele. She moaned and pleaded for Adele to fulfil her desire.

Adele now moved her right hand to slowly spread gel over Nat’s womanhood. Nats cried out as she felt a gentle soothing over her ‘bulls-eye’ and thrust her hips forward as much as she could into Adele’s hand.

The strokes on Nats’s womanhood were faster and harder now, as she felt her body thrust in tune to the caresses. I’m nearly there, just a bit more. Then, the caressing speeded up, became more intense, and moved to Nats’s ‘bulls-eye’.

The effect on Nats was electric, and she let out a long single cry and fell back against Adele, shivering and shaking from the feeling that coursed through her.

After a minute or so, Nats noticed that Adele was running fresh water into the bath from the taps. Is this to clean me off with?  She watched as the bath was now about half full. That’s an awful lot of water to wash me off with. Adele now switched off the taps and took hold of Nats’s helpless body. Please no, you can’t mean to do that! Nats struggled as her body was moved into a position where she was lying face down and her face was only above the water because Adele was holding onto her chest ropes at the back.

The poor helpless girl shook her head and pleaded with Adele to stop. “I’ve decided that this is a quicker way to wash you clean.” With that, Adele let go of the ropes, letting Nats sink below the surface of the water, bound, gagged and completely helpless. Nats instantly started to struggle for dear life, pulling and twisting in her ropes. After a few seconds, Nats felt her ropes being taken hold of, and then she was pulled above the surface. “Take a deep breath, my slave.” Nats took a deep breath and then found herself submerged again. Nats tried to fight her bonds, but her struggles were useless.

Nats was then taken out of the water and placed into a kneeling position. Adele pulled the plug out of the bath, and then warmly embraced Nats. “That was a wonderful display of struggling and helplessness, my dear slave. For that, you can spend the evening with me downstairs.” Nats now felt her hogtie rope being removed, and then she was helped out of the bath and wrapped in a long, warm white towel. She watched as Adele put on a white bath robe. Adele then cuddled Nats and said “Let’s go downstairs now.”

Nats now hopped along behind Adele and went to the stair lift, ready to go downstairs...

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